Thursday, September 11, 2008

Up and down days, Rainy weather, and God moments...

Yesterday was fairly up and down. Perhaps the truth is that it was mainly down. Satan was just attacking me and using people I care about to do so. I felt defeated. Today was fairly the same - at first. I walked around just kinda bummed all day. Since it's spiritual emphasis week we have services at night too. I didn't want to go tonight. I just wasn't into it. I just felt numb, for lack of a better word.

Today was rainy too. Not a happy rain (and I don't care what people say there is a difference between happy and sad rain). It was kind of dreary. And of course it waited till I was halfway to the library before it started to pour. O well, I already have a cold so what does it matter?

Anyway, after the library I decided to go to the service. I made it through worship and as the speaker began to preach...o goodness. As my grandma would say, it's like he had my number. And when I went to the altar God used a couple of the people here to speak to me. It was definitely God speaking through them. It was amazing just to bask in his presence and to remember that the great and mighty God we serve is great and mighty! I realized then that I ask God a lot for "God Moments". I look for big miracles and clear understanding. But God spoke to me and told me that every moment can be a God moment. Every breath can be a miracle. O wow...isn't he great?

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