Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Do you ever get writer's block to the point it hurts? Like what you want to say is welling up inside; words run wildly through your head but there is no way to write them down. Other words flow easily from my pen, but what I want to say won't leave its pin! The words swell and grow. The energy of it all is rising. This moment is immersed in silence. Thoughts are racing through my mind. My heart is pounding. My pulse is raging. Adrenaline rushes and I'm ready to go, to let the words flow - but still my hand is motionless, as I grasp my pencil tightly. The page is empty, just as it was when I sat down at my desk. I have a paper due - why writer's block tonight???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't try so hard. You will get it down...remember to breathe. Miss you....Love mom.