Thursday, August 14, 2008

A day of good byes...

What a day today has been!
I had my final voice and drama lesson today from the studio that I've been at since I was nine. It's weird to leave that place and not say, "See ya next week!" I'm sure I have totally surprised my teachers by how I've (for lack of a better term) grown up. My voice teacher always used to tell my parents to watch me close 'cause I'd be the one singing in a bar one day on top of a piano. Despite that great vote of confidence, I know that they are proud of me and what I am doing. And they have right to be proud, not because I'm doing something so great - I mean honestly I'm just going to Bible college - but because they helped shape me into who I am now. I don't know what I would be like without them and all of the lessons that they've taught me - theatrically and practically. I will miss them.
I also preached my good bye sermon at my youth tonight. I tell you, good byes are so draining. The official good bye isn't until next week (ice cream and cake, man!) but still! Every one keeps hugging me and telling me that I will be missed and it's nice to know but still hard. I will miss everyone, but I know that God has great things in store for me and for my youth group.
I suppose that is all I had to say so now that I have, it's time for another good bye....for now.

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