Friday, July 10, 2009

I should be writing my paper, but instead I'm writing this...

This week has been very interesting. I've been really discouraged and unsure of whether or not I could handle it (it being the theatre world) again. Because I wasn't sure if I could handle it, I was very unsure if I could ever open and run a theatre where a cast has a mutual respect for everyone and doesn't go get wasted every night. I had some good friends who were kind enough to appease my worries, but last night at practice my director leaned over to me during a chorus number and said, "There is the future. When you're ready for them, we will have them ready for you." It made me feel good.

I've been trying lately to be more positive. I know, I know it's crazy talk for me to be positive. Yet, here I am. Most of the people I hang out with at my studio are extremely negative and I realized that it's really annoying!!!! I'm amazed I have friends if I have sounded like that my whole life! Thus, I am attempting to be positive. I will not become an optimist though, I refuse... Maybe I can be a realist. That's what I will aim for.

O and in case anyone was wondering, that does not mean I'll stop being a drama queen.

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