Sunday, January 9, 2011


I'm a dreamer. I dream big dreams. I dream of big adventures. I dream of exotic places and exhilarating jobs. I dream all the time. I do not have the luxury of going to sleep then dreaming then waking up from them. No, these dreams are always on my mind.

My dreams always have me in other places but few times do they make me discontent with my life. Today is one of those few times. This morning was one of those rare mornings where I woke up and dreamed of something I couldn't have. One of those saddening times when I realized that what I want probably won't be what I get.

All dreamers out there understand what I mean. They know how it feels to wake up and have a dream scratching at their hearts door, whining to be let back in. They know how it feels to have to turn the dream away because it doesn't fit inside anymore, it just can't.

I wish I were content with the dreams that my heart has let in inside instead of whining about that one that I still want. I wish I were content in knowing that I'm lucky enough to have been able to have the dream in my heart to begin with.

I'm not currently content. But, as all dreamers know, there will be another dream scratching on my heart's door eventually - and I suppose that will be good enough for me.


la petite lydia said...

I definitely understand this feeling. I love you! We need to have a Starbucks date sometime soon.

Unknown said...

While the dream scratching at your heart can't be let in, the dream that comes to replace it won't be "good enough" it will be fabulous and you will be so glad that you allowed your heart to wait.

I'm praying for you Doll.