Thursday, January 15, 2009

I got a text from my mini-me today. She asked me why things happen the way they do. I sat there a second before I replied. Things running through my mind, "Because God wants to use the situation to bring glory", "Because satan is against us", "Because there are lessons to be learned that will aid us in the future". While all of these perfect cliches, the response I gave was simple: "I don't know."

The fact is, I don't. There are cute answers that make me feel better. There are things that make me feel accomplished, but in all honesty, I don't know. I'm realizing that it's okay. I look back at some different trials in my life and I wonder why things had to happen that way. I learned a lesson but is that why I had to suffer through that? I have a testimony but is that reason why it was so hard? The answer? I don't know.

I don't understand God or his ways, but I know that he is always faithful. He is always merciful. He is always gracious. His ways are much better than mine...even if I don't know things along the way.

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