The fair was in town when I went up to Springfield this past weekend. Even though the week made it difficult on the schools faithful security guards, made traffic and the school parking lots insane, I was glad it was there. Why? Because of the Ferris Wheel...
It was all lit up and absolutely gorgeous. I love Ferris Wheels... Especially at night. The colorful lights dance around in your mind as you go around and around. Every time you get to the top you can only smile as the breeze gently brushes your face. Certainly you can see everything from there. Memories of cotton candy and other over-priced goodies remain in your mind. There is just no better way to finish the day at a fair or amusement park than sitting at the "top of the world" surrounded by dazzling lights and someone you care for greatly. Yes, I love Ferris Wheels...
I also feel like I should make a side note that this is my 50th blog post. I probably shouldn't be this happy about that but it certainly does feel like a milestone. So, to all of the five people that will read this, thanks for reading.
I love the ferris wheel too! One of the few rides I like at amusement parks. We need to ride one together! P.S. Thanks for the blogs. I love reading your random thoughts and perceptions. Keep them coming.
I really wanted to go to the fair! I wanted to get some photos of the different aspects of it. I love fairs, just because of the bright colors that are somewhat grungy :)
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